• "अपनी उन्नति के लिए प्रयत्न करने के साथ समाज की प्रगति में प्रयत्नशील रहना हर सभ्य नागरिक का सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व है।" - अरूट जी

Prof. Manoj Arora Takes Charges As Vice-Chancellor Of SRM-AP

Prof. Manoj Arora Takes Charges As Vice-Chancellor Of SRM-AP

Prof. Manoj Arora Takes Charges As Vice-Chancellor Of SRM-AP

On September 9, 2022, World-Renowned Educationist Prof. Manoj K. Arora took charge as the Vice Chancellor of SRM University, Andhra Pradesh Campus. He previously served as the VC of BML Munjal University for 4 years. With an academic career of more than 30 years, Professor has published more than 25 PHD Thesis and 56 Masters Dissertation. He has also written books and published hundreds of research papers.

University would make rapid strides under his leadership. - P. Satyanarayanan (SRM University, President)

Professor gave the welcoming address and emphasised the university's accomplishments during the last five years in the latest Integerated ISRO DAE Exhibition held in the university in November 2022. You can read more about him here.